Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Sandbox Data Holder

What Data Holders can be discovered within the CDR Sandbox ecosystem?

The CDR Sandbox contains two mock Data Holders created and managed by the ACCC. These are known by the Data Holder Brand names Sandbox Data Holder - Banking and Sandbox Data Holder - Energy. For documentation purposes they are collectively referred to as the Sandbox Data Holders. Data Holders, within the CDR Sandbox, created by Sandbox Participants are referred to as Participant Data Holders. Participant Data Holders will have unique a Data Holder Brand name.

CDR Sandbox Ecosystem
CDR Sandbox Ecosystem

What is the difference between the Sandbox Data Holders and Participant Data Holders within the CDR Sandbox?

The term Sandbox Data Holder is used to group two Data Holder Brands, Sandbox Data Holder - Banking and Sandbox Data Holder - Energy, hosted within the CDR Sandbox. These are managed by the ACCC and provided as ready to go test components of the CDR Sandbox. They can be identified in the Sandbox Register and Sandbox Data Recipient by their Data Holder Brand names, Sandbox Data Holder - Banking and Sandbox Data Holder - Energy. The Sandbox Data Holders are available for all Sandbox Participants to use. For more information on the underlying architecture and code of the Sandbox Data Holders visit the GitHub Repository here.

The term Participant Data Holder describes a Data Holder registered within CDR Sandbox by a Sandbox Participant. These are hosted and managed outside of the CDR Sandbox by the Sandbox Participant. Participant Data Holders can only be accessed by Sandbox Participants when the Participant Data Holder has made their URIs available for other Sandbox Participants to discover and connect to. In other words, they can be discovered in the Sandbox Register and have APIs available to facilitate Dynamic Client Registration and data sharing.

What APIs are supported by the Sandbox Data Holder - Banking and the Sandbox Data Holder - Energy?

The Sandbox Data Holder - Banking supports all APIs that are required to initiate data sharing. These are the APIs that provide Dynamic Client Registration and Authorisations. Once data sharing is established the Sandbox Data Holders provide a subset of resource APIs that provide mock customer data. The Sandbox Data Holders provide just enough resource APIs to demonstrate retrieving data for a consented customer and demonstrating Id permanence eg using the Account Id returned from Get Accounts to construct a request for Get Transactions that requires an Account Id.

The Sandbox Data Holder - Banking provides these resource APIs:

  • Get Customer

  • Get Accounts

  • Get Transactions

The Sandbox Data Holder - Energy provides these resource APIs:

  • Get Customer

  • Get Accounts

  • Get Concessions

For more information on the underlying architecture and code of the Sandbox Data Holder - Banking visit the GitHub Repository here



What Data and Test Accounts are available in the Sandbox Data Holder - Banking and Sandbox Data Holder - Energy?

Both of the Sandbox Data Holders include mock customers and mock data belonging to those customers. Both of Sandbox Data Holders contain a consents page that will display available mock customer accounts and one time passwords.

Sandbox Data Recipient

Where do the Data Holders displayed within the Sandbox Data Recipient come from?

The Sandbox Data Recipient has been setup to simulate how an Accredited Data Recipient would interact within the CDR Ecosystem. The Sandbox Data Recipient will periodically call the Sandbox Register’s Get Data Holder Brands API. Any new or updated Data Holder Brands will be added to the Sandbox Data Recipient's database. The available Data Holder Brands in the Sandbox Register are a combination of all Data Holder Brands created by Sandbox participants and two Data Holder Brands created by ACCC.

For each Data Holder Brand that the Sandbox Data Recipient has discovered, the Sandbox Data Recipient will attempt to call the Register API of that Data Holder Brand.

If Dynamic Client Registration is successful, then a record will be visible in the Sandbox Data Recipient's Dynamic Client Registrations screen with the status DCR Complete and data sharing will now be possible.

If Dynamic Client Registration is unsuccessful then a record will be visible in the Sandbox Data Recipient's Dynamic Client Registrations screen with the status DCR Failed and data sharing will not be possible.

The Sandbox Data Recipient's Dynamic Client Registrations screen displays the same data for all Sandbox Participants using the CDR Sandbox. The Dynamic Client Registration status is stored within the Sandbox Data Recipient.

How the Sandbox Data Recipients background functions operate and the code behind the Dynamic Client Registrations screen can be seen here

What is the Consent Sharing Duration used for in the Sandbox Data Recipient?

The Sharing Duration is the maximum amount of time that a created consent will be valid. After the Sharing Duration has ended, the consent will no longer be valid. Any access tokens or refresh tokens created for the consent will no longer be accepted. The maximum value for the sharing duration in seconds is 31536000 (one year). To see how the sharing duration is used by the Sandbox Data Recipient view the ConsentController.cs here

My Logs

Why is my log file empty

The log file downloaded only contains activity related to your Sandbox user account for the Sandbox hosted API calls listed under API End Points Logged, conducted within the last 24 hours and further limited by the time-interval you specify. It may also take a few seconds for the system to update the internal log files of your recent activity.

You should consider:

  1. waiting a few seconds;

  2. adjusting the time interval to a higher value (eg from 5 minutes up to 24 hours); or

  3. downloading more frequently, if possible.

Why am I not seeing all of my activity

The log file downloaded is limited to 1,000 records within the time interval you have specified. It may also take a few seconds for the system to update the internal log files of your recent activity.

You should consider:

  1. waiting a few seconds;

  2. adjusting the time interval to a higher value (eg from 5 minutes up to 24 hours); or

  3. downloading more frequently, if possible.

I get an error “This data set is too large for the Excel grid…” when opening my log file in Excel

If you experience the following error when loading a sandbox logfile, try loading the CSV using the workaround described below or use a different application other than Excel.

Steps to open a large data set in Excel

  1. In Excel create a new blank workbook

  2. In Excel select the Data menu then select "From Text/CSV"

  3. Select the file to load, and then select Import

  4. Select Load

  5. The file should now load without error


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