Transition Plan - V4 and V5

Transition Plan - V4 and V5


Version 1.25.0 of the Consumer Data Standards introduced versions V4 and V5 of the Get Metrics Admin API. The ACCC is responsible for the creation of a transition plan to ensure continuity of historical metrics data is maintained as data holders upgrade from V3 to V4 and V5.

The ACCC uses Get Metrics data to publish the CDR Performance Dashboard, and to monitor Data Holders' Compliance with the Non-Functional Requirements outlined in the Standards. The data provides important insights about the performance the ecosystem, and how it is serving consumers. The new versions of Get Metrics will further improve these insights, by adding new metrics that provide a more accurate picture of Data Holder’s solutions.

The below transition plan is being published to provide transparency regarding ACCC’s intended use of various endpoint versions, and does not affect data holder’s obligations as outlined in the relevant Standards. We note that we may make suggestions to the Data Standards Body based on this plan, in order to reduce the potential implementation cost for participants.

Transition Plan

The ACCC have outlined the following transition plan to inform data holders about the intended approach to Get Metrics across the V4 and V5 obligation dates.

Existing Data Holders include data holders from the banking sector and first-tier energy retailers that are currently supplying V3 metrics data to the ACCC.

New Data Holders include data holders whose CDR obligations commence on or after 1 November 2023, in particular the second-tier energy retailers.

Key Takeaways

  • The ACCC will continue to call the Get Metrics V3 endpoint for Existing Data Holders.

    • It is anticipated that the ACCC will cease calling the Get Metrics V3 endpoints around Feb 2024, however, a retirement date of 13 May 2024 has been proposed to allow for any transition delays across the ecosystem.

    • This approach ensures continuity and consistency in the performance dashboard, which benefits the CDR ecosystem.

  • Existing Data Holders Get Metrics V3 data may continue to be relied upon until the retirement date.

  • From 1 Nov 2023, the ACCC will begin to call the Get Metrics V4/V5 endpoints for all active data holders.

    • This means that Existing Data Holders will receive multiple Get Metrics calls per day during the transition period - one call for V3 and then another call directly afterwards for V4/V5.

    • This will allow the ACCC to conduct Compliance and Enforcement monitoring using the data, including ensuring that the required metrics are being correctly implemented by Data Holders.

  • As per the Consumer Data Standards, data holders can choose to implement Get Metrics V5 from 1 Nov 2023, bypassing V4.

    • The ACCC will make use of the minimum (x-min-v) and maximum (x-v) version headers in the Get Metrics call and expect the data holder to respond with their maximum supported version.

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