Create and Manage Data Recipient Brands

Create and Manage Data Recipient Brands

This page details creating and managing the Data Recipient Brands and Data Recipient Brands Software Products in the CDR Sandbox ecosystem.


Data Recipient Brands

Create Data Recipient Brand

  1. Click on the Create button under the My Data Recipient Brands table on the Dashboard page.


  2. Provide the data for the new Data Recipient Brand.


    1. Select Legal Entity

    2. Enter Brand Name

    3. Enter Logo URI

    4. Select Accreditation Level

      1. Sponsored

      2. Unrestricted

    5. Select Brand Status

      1. Active

      2. Inactive

  3. Select the Create button, to create the Data Recipient Brand and be returned to the Dashboard. The newly created Data Recipient Brand will be visible on the Dashboard under My Data Recipient Brands.


Manage/Update existing Data Recipient Brand

  1. From the Dashboard select Manage for the Data Recipient Brand you wish to update.


  2. The Data Recipient Brand can be updated or deleted via the Update Data Recipient Brand UI.

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